Start Building Your “Someday” Business Today!

Have you dreamed of becoming a business coach, a life coach, a speaker or a trainer, and yet, you keep talking about doing it “someday”? Or perhaps you’ve dreamed of building a wildly successful business, but you keep putting off the things you know will help your business grow?
Dreams are powerful, but only if you turn them into action.
Hi, my name is Valerie Burton, and I serve as the mentor for the Maxwell Leadership Method of Coaching. And today, I’m going to share how you can start building your “someday” business today!
When you’re clear about exactly what your dream is, when the opportunity presents itself, you’ll be able to jump at it. This actually happened in my own life.
Take action when opportunities present themselves.
Before we got married, my husband and I were talking, we were looking at homes. And he said out of the blue, you know, my dream is to have a house with an airstrip, which I thought sounded ridiculous, because I’d never heard of a house with an airstrip, but my husband’s a pilot. So, you know, it seemed like a reasonable dream for a pilot. And I didn’t forget it. In fact, a few years later, I just happened to be online, and I don’t even know where I saw it. But it was an ad for a house really close to us that had an airstrip. I didn’t think much of it. I passed it along. Note: Never pass along to someone their dream unless you’re seriously thinking you’re on board with that dream!
Long story short, we saw the house. We walked around it. And in fact, as we began walking around the property, I remembered my own dream – a dream I’d had almost 20 years earlier that one day, I would live in a house with land and horses that was out in the country, but still pretty close to a big city. And this house fit that description! In fact, my husband and I jumped at the opportunity. And that’s exactly where we live today, right in the middle of our dream. But it all started with identifying what that dream was. And then being willing to take action when the opportunity presented itself.
Have a clear vision and believe that vision is possible.
Whether your dream has to do with where you want to live, or the kind of life you want to live or the kind of business you want to have, it starts with having a clear vision and then believing that vision is possible. Sometimes this means being audacious because your dream might sound ridiculous to others. But if it’s honest, if it’s in your heart, take it seriously. And then be willing to work for that dream. Be willing to stretch out of your comfort zone to go after the thing you really want.
Here’s the thing. You live one time. This is not a dress rehearsal. Whatever your dream is, make a decision right now that you’re going to take action while you can and move towards it.
Is your dream to develop a successful coaching business?
Here’s a great guide that I think you’ll find really helpful. It’s called Become a Master at Enrolling New Coaching Clients. What it will do is help you learn how to attract the right people and use an introductory coaching session to bring in business gracefully and easily, as well as systematize your leadership coaching process for greater success. Simply visit the link above to access this incredible free gift.
Get to know Valorie
Valorie Burton, life strategist and international speaker, is CEO of the Coaching and Positive Psychology (CaPP) Institute. Her life-changing message has an intriguing, research-based emphasis in the pioneering field of applied positive psychology – the study of what happens when things go right with us. Her company provides coaching, coach training, and resilience training, and has served clients in all 50 states and 20 countries on six continents. Since 1999, she has written 13 books translated into multiple languages, including Let Go of the Guilt, It’s About Time, and Successful Women Think Differently. She has appeared regularly on the TODAY Show, CNN, Dr. Oz, and Essence, and has spoken for hundreds of organizations around the globe. She was named one of the top 60 motivational speakers in America and one of the Top 100 Thought Leaders in the field of personal development. Learn more at If you’d like to book her or any of our thought leaders for your next leadership event, you can learn more here.
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