Leadership Development That Grows More Leaders, Not Followers

We can all look back at a moment of success in our lives and probably attribute much of that success to a mentor or coach who showed faith in us and gave us the tools we needed. Simply put, they equipped us. The highest calling of leadership isn’t becoming the best leader you can be. Rather, it’s achieving significance by helping others grow their own leadership potential. At Maxwell Leadership, we believe that leadership is influence, leadership can be learned, and that leaders multiply their influence by equipping others. In other words, the goal as a leader is growing more leaders, not followers.
As we continue our series on the five growth lanes of C.L.E.A.R. by Maxwell Leadership®, we’re focusing on Equipping and three qualities leaders need to have to grow more leaders. Whether you’re looking for ways to continue your personal growth in a specific area or achieve your leadership development goals, you don’t have to do it alone! We’ve developed C.L.E.A.R. to provide you not only the resources, but also the guides and the community to partner with you each step of the way. We invite you to follow along with our blog series the rest of this month based on the five growth lanes of C.L.E.A.R., and when you’re ready, learn more and subscribe to C.L.E.A.R. – your interactive, digital guide for personal growth and developing the leader in you.
The following is adapted from teachings by John C. Maxwell and C.L.E.A.R. Guide to Equipping Chris Hodges.
Leaders multiply their influence by equipping others.
Good leaders intentionally seek out and find potential leaders. Great leaders not only find them, but also equip them to be great leaders. That intentionality starts with observation, then leading by asking questions, and finally creating an atmosphere of encouragement that inspires growth in others. Ultimately, we want to create ways for people to make something extraordinary happen – in themselves, in their communities, and in the world. And it all starts with intention.
People are naturally drawn to leaders they feel are stronger than themselves. Consequently, people will reject attempts to equip them until they genuinely respect you. You earn that respect over time in two ways: demonstrating integrity and delivering results – consistently and authentically.
All effective equipping requires connection – forming relationships founded on trust and rapport. As people get to know you and enjoy being around you, they’ll be more receptive to your influence and guidance. People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. True connection with others requires being present, asking questions that matter, and focusing on their needs and their aspirations before advancing your own agenda.
Equipping is not always easy, but it comes with the best reward: changed lives. Success as a leader will always come down to achievement, but significance is the result of helping others grow.
Get to Know Your C.L.E.A.R. Guide for Equipping: Chris Hodges
Chris met John Maxwell a little over 20 years ago at a very pivotal time in his life. Chris was starting a brand new church. Yes, he had a seminary degree, but he needed to understand leadership. So, Chris immediately started to study John’s books and go to any event where John was speaking. A few years later, John began to personally mentor Chris. Over the years, Chris has learned from John how to recruit great people and build great teams. Today, Chris is the founding and senior pastor of Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, AL and the founder and chancellor of Highlands College, a ministry training school that trains and launches students into full-time ministry careers. He also founded Grow, which specializes in training and resourcing pastors and churches to help them break barriers and reach their growth potential. Here’s what Chris has to say about equipping: “These principles work everywhere and in organizations of every type of size. I’ve seen them work in churches, businesses, and in places all around the world. That’s why I’m really looking forward to sharing with you what I’ve learned and applied over the past 21 years and why I’m excited about taking the equipping journey with you. I’m going to do everything I can to help develop the leader within you so you can develop the leaders around you.”
Looking for More? Subscribe to C.L.E.A.R. – Your Personal Growth Plan
C.L.E.A.R. by Maxwell Leadership is your interactive, digital guide for personal growth. C.L.E.A.R. is an acronym for five lanes of growth that leadership and personal growth expert John C. Maxwell believes is the path to develop your personal growth and leadership: Communication, Leadership, Equipping, Attitude, and Relationships. No matter where you are on your personal growth journey, C.L.E.A.R. by Maxwell Leadership will help you get to the next level.
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