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How You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World

By John C. Maxwell | January 5, 2021
How You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World

If I told you that the fate of the world rested on your shoulders, how would you respond?

Would you take an action hero approach and confidently declare that you will handle it?

Would you shrink from the responsibility and pass it on to someone else?

Or would you simply shake your head, look me in the eye and say, “You’ve got the wrong person”?

The truth is, the fate of the world does rest on your shoulders. Your life is changing the world every day, whether you believe it or not.

If you choose to live positive values and be a good citizen of your community, you are changing the world for the better. If you choose to live negative values and take what you want from your community, then you are changing the world for the worse. No matter what you choose—to serve when needed, to give when asked, to ignore the pain of others, to take more than you give—every choice changes the world in some way.

There are four easy choices you can make daily that will change the world:

  1. Choose to Value People—this is a decision to see each human being you come in contact with, be it in real life or in the digital world, as someone with value who needs that value affirmed in some way. It’s a choice to connect with people and begin breaking down walls of distrust.
  2. Choose to Add Value to People—this is the decision to do something that helps another person in some way. It can be as extravagant as giving a gift or as simple as doing the dishes still piled in the sink, but it’s a choice to influence people through good deeds.
  3. Choose to Live Positive Values—this is the decision to live a life that builds rather than destroys. It’s the choice to be honest when the cashier gives you too much change, the choice to let someone else get the credit at work, the choice to treat other people with courtesy and respect. It’s also one of the most attractive ways to live your life.
  4. Choose to Share Positive Values—this is the decision to share with others the values that inspire and sustain your life. A life of positive values will inevitably lead someone to ask, “What’s your secret? How do you stay so positive, or generous, or kind?” And when they ask, you can choose to share with them the values that empower and enable you to live differently and make a difference.

That’s all it takes. You don’t have to be a superhero or a social media icon to influence people and make a difference in this world; you just have to have the courage to choose a life of values.

That’s the message of my new book, Change Your World, which will be in stores on January 26th. To launch the book, we’ve organized the first-ever Transformathon: a virtual marathon taking over the first twenty or so days of 2021. We’re enlisting people all over the world to join us in covering one mile every day between now and January 23rd. You can walk it, run it, or ride it; however you’re able to get out and get moving, we want you involved.

On January 23rd we’ll wrap up the marathon with a virtual 5K walk/run that will broadcast live over social media.

I’ll be walking two different 5Ks that day near my home in Florida, but I want you to join me from wherever you might be as we celebrate our ability to change the world one day—one step—at a time.

I am personally inviting you to change your world by signing up for the Transformathon, which you can do at Just click on that link, then click on the Join the Cause! button beneath the Transformathon logo.

Registration for the virtual event is $49 and all of the money goes to our John Maxwell Leadership Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing transformation to the world. You’ll receive credit for a tax-deductible donation, a copy of Change Your World (you just pay shipping), a playlist of songs to inspire your daily walks, a runner’s bib to print out and wear on the day of the 5K, and a printable Certificate of Participation to commemorate your part in this transformational movement.

So far, hundreds of people have signed up, but we’re looking for more—we don’t want this to be some book promotion event, but the beginning of a human movement whose time has come.

This is the most important and powerful book I’ve ever written because it’s about literally changing the world.

It’s the book that I’ve been working to write my entire life.

I believe in you, and I believe that you are essential for creating real change. That’s why I want you to join me for the Transformathon and for the exciting journey that comes after it. I need you. The world needs you.

Together we can make a difference that will outlast all of our lives; together, we can change the world.

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12 thoughts on "How You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World"

  • Dan Williams says: January 5, 2021 at 1:48 pm

    Thank you, John

  • How You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World – John Maxwell – News says: January 5, 2021 at 2:06 pm

    […] How You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World […]

  • Eric AMOUZOUN says: January 6, 2021 at 9:30 am

    Thank you Jhon for the four easy way of changing the world and the new book you are launching.

  • Robert W. Bernard says: January 6, 2021 at 10:39 am

    Very powerful message. My personal “WHY” is “To help lead and grow others to better understand the impact one person can make if they are willing to stay humble, consistent and disciplined.” This statement about change really impacts me on a deep level. Thank you to John and everyone involved with the Maxwell team for everything you do.

  • Arinze Ngwube says: January 6, 2021 at 7:04 pm

    Thank you john for making us understand the word change.

  • Destiny Ikpotokin says: January 7, 2021 at 10:36 am

    Thank you Dr John for always inspiring us to grow!

  • Pascal lopepe says: January 7, 2021 at 3:45 pm

    Manu thanks to you dear John c Maxwell, i’m located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • Jamelle Sanders says: January 9, 2021 at 11:31 am

    John, Thank you so much for this powerful piece! It is so awesome that no matter where we are we all have the opportunity to lead. In fact, I always say that we all have the capacity but many simply lack the courage to lead. Everyday life presents us with extraordinary opportunities to live our values and model our principles. Ultimately, this is the greatest expression of leadership.

  • How You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World - Inside the Business Management says: January 11, 2021 at 12:02 am

    […] Source: How You (Yes, You!) Can Change the World […]

  • Witfound says: February 15, 2021 at 1:57 am

    This is great, I feel like the world is waiting for me to unleashed the greatness in me. Thank you so much for this powerful articles.

    If I wantvto move the world I must first move myself – Socrates.

    We need to change ourselves before changing the world.

  • Digital Teacher says: March 30, 2021 at 3:14 am

    Thanks, Mr. Jhon for always inspiring us.

  • Cómo tú (Sí, tú) puedes cambiar el mundo, por John C. Maxwell | Multinivel y Network Marketing says: May 11, 2021 at 10:36 am

    […] Artículo originalmente publicado en el blog de John C. Maxwell. […]

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