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Inspiring Stories of Leadership Coaching in Action

By Tammy Grabowski | July 17, 2024
Inspiring Stories of Leadership Coaching in Action

Unlocking your full potential as a leader can inspire those around you and create lasting positive change. Executive leadership coaching can turn this vision into reality. Join us as we explore three inspiring stories of transformation through Maxwell Leadership’s impactful coaching programs.

Transforming Organizations: Coaching Leadership Style Examples That Inspire Success

Personalized leadership coaching has the power to transform individuals and entire organizations, fostering a culture of growth, empathy, and authenticity. Through tailored coaching programs, leaders can unlock their true potential and inspire those around them, creating a ripple effect of positive change. These three examples are a testament to this: 

Värde Investment Firm Aligns Leadership and Diversity Programs for Success

“The John Maxwell Company also provided a foundation in terms of diversity with the realization that people are different and there are different leadership styles. And now we’re learning how to pull out the best of each style to enhance our performance as a culture and as a business.” 

– Andrea Schilling, the Global Head of Human Resources for Värde Investment

At Värde, an alternative investment firm managing an estimated $12 billion in institutional investments, the journey towards embracing authentic leadership and diversity began with a bold vision. With 250 employees across 12 major offices on four continents, Värde faces unique challenges in addressing cross-border diversity. Andrea Schilling, the Global Head of Human Resources, explained, “With the complexity of our highly regulated industry and global business, we need to attract and retain well-educated, highly qualified, and talented individuals.” Recognizing the importance of people and culture, Värde partnered with Maxwell Leadership to cultivate leadership rooted in authenticity and inclusion.

The transformation was remarkable. Värde’s commitment to leadership was evident when John Maxwell himself delivered a keynote address, setting the tone for a comprehensive leadership initiative. Schilling reflected, “We started with a large investment because we knew it was critical for the ongoing growth of the organization.” Through engaging workshops and the “5 Levels of Leadership” framework, Värde’s leaders discovered their unique leadership styles and learned to connect with their teams more effectively. Schilling emphasized, “The John Maxwell Company also provided a foundation in terms of diversity with the realization that people are different and there are different leadership styles. And now we’re learning how to pull out the best of each style to enhance our performance as a culture and as a business.”

The impact was profound. Leaders began to see the value in personal growth and development, and the culture at Värde started to shift. Schilling shared a heartfelt moment, “I had a leader bring me a leadership development template he had constructed for his team. This initiative from within was a huge success for us.” The initiative not only enhanced leadership skills but also fostered an inclusive environment, demonstrating Värde’s commitment to its people and setting the stage for a brighter, more cohesive future.

Hendrick Automotive Group Boosts Employee Engagement Through Servant Leadership

“One thing that we learned from The John Maxwell Company is that you need to take time and be intentional in your efforts and that’s what we’re trying to do here. If an idea just sits on a shelf, if it’s not being shared or communicated, it just doesn’t work. Change can be hard, but it’s a worthwhile journey.”

– Jerry Ferrell, Director of Servant Leadership for Hendrick Automotive

Jerry Ferrell’s journey at Hendrick Automotive Group is a testament to the power of servant leadership and data-driven insights. Over his 30-year tenure, Jerry understood the critical need to connect with employees on a deeper level. “We discovered that we were not engaging and connecting with our people and that empathy was an issue for our employees,” Jerry revealed. To address this, Hendrick Automotive Group collaborated with Maxwell Leadership to implement Organizational Effectiveness Surveys (OES).

The survey results were a wake-up call. Jerry devoted months to meeting with leadership teams, discussing the findings, and crafting actionable plans. “We encouraged our dealerships to not try and fix everything at once but focus on the top risk areas,” he said. With Maxwell Leadership’s guidance, they introduced the “5 Levels of Leadership” executive coaching, which transformed their approach to leadership and engagement. Jerry emphasized, “One thing that we learned from The John Maxwell Company is that you need to take time and be intentional in your efforts and that’s what we’re trying to do here. If an idea just sits on a shelf, if it’s not being shared or communicated, it just doesn’t work. Change can be hard, but it’s a worthwhile journey.”

The results were heartwarming. “We’re especially seeing strong results with millennials; they really feel a part of the company now,” Jerry stated. The company’s culture evolved, placing empathy and connection at the forefront. Daily ‘bucket meetings’ now prioritize culture and communication, creating a supportive environment where everyone thrives. Jerry’s dedication to fostering a strong, empathetic culture not only reduced employee turnover but also earned the company Maxwell Leadership’s “Influence Award.” It was a clear affirmation of the positive change brought by their unwavering commitment to servant leadership.

Davis Automotive Group Thrives with Leadership Development

“Speaking personally, I think the John Maxwell Company program has given me a confidence I did not have before in terms of an understanding of where I’m at in my working relationship with certain individuals,” he continued. “When I understand the level of influence I have, I can leverage that to work with them better.”

– Mike Davis, General Director for Davis Automotive Group

In the heart of Davis Automotive Group, leadership is woven into its culture. Founded by John Davis Sr. and now run by his sons, Tim, Mike, and Luke, the business embodies a close-knit family atmosphere. “Human capital is the toughest arena to navigate in any business,” said Mike Davis, General Director. Recognizing the need for strong leadership, they turned to Maxwell Leadership for guidance.

Maxwell Leadership’s assessment provided invaluable insights. “The 360-degree assessment helps leaders identify their strengths and opportunities for growth,” Mike shared. With Maxwell Leadership’s support, the Davis brothers developed a leadership plan emphasizing intentional growth and mentorship, ensuring new employees embraced the company’s values and culture from day one. “Speaking personally, I think the John Maxwell Company program has given me confidence I did not have before,” Mike continued. “When I understand the level of influence I have, I can leverage that to work with them better.”

Mike reflected, “We want to find people early in their careers and help them become the future leaders we need.” The partnership with Maxwell Leadership has strengthened Davis Automotive Group, nurturing a culture of continuous growth and heartfelt leadership, ensuring the family legacy thrives for generations to come.

Become a Leader of Change with Maxwell Leadership

These stories highlight the transformative power of leadership coaching. Maxwell Leadership’s commitment to developing authentic, empathetic, and effective leaders is evident in these successes. 

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